Daniel McKinney American, Hongkonger, b. 1960s
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Vatican City is the world's smallest independent nation. With a total size well under a single square mile, the Vatican is located in the heart of Rome, Italy. The Vatican serves as the global headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and is the permanent residence of the it's official religious leader, the Pope. The Vatican has had an immense impact on European and international affairs throughout its centuries of history, since its founding in the 4th century AD. Countless Popesā have influenced the course of both war and peace-time throughout Europe and beyond. Historically the Vatican and its resident Popes have been immense patrons of the arts and the Vatican itself is currently home to countless, priceless works of art from some of the greatest artistic masters in European History, including Michelangelo. The Vatican remains a significant cultural and political force to this day and serves as the religious focal point for over one billion catholics globally.
This ornate carving of 36,830 carats depicts several iconic visuals relating to the Vatican, including the Dome of St. Peter's basilica towering behind the Ponte Sant 'Angelo bridge spanning the Tiber river, the colonnade of St. Peter's Square, the official Papal Crest and a statue of an angel bearing a cross aloft. This exquisite piece is carved from beautiful quality pink sapphire.